Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Legend of Lemuria

The idea that there may have been a civilization even more ancient than Atlantis that was the motherland of human kind is also one that has endured in mans collective consciousness for many years, and a thought that is at once both compelling and tantalizing.
According to legends, Lemuria was a civilization that began on great continent in the pacific region sometimes between 200,000 and 78,000 years ago (though others have pushed the date back further and estimate it to be 150 million). Lemuria is a recently adapted name and the actual name of the continent is believed to have been "Mukulia" or "Mu". The Australian Aborigines speak of the land in their " dream time" legends and call it " Gondwana Land". The Lemurian civilization is said to have lasted for a staggering 52,000 years until it was destroyed during massive earthquakes and subsidence caused by a cataclysmic polar shift that is believed to have occurred about 26,000 years ago. The continent is said to have existed in the area that is now the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Approximately 14,000 years ago, the culture known as Lemuria was thriving. (Prior to 2000 years ago, data and time recordings were not taken – so all times are approximate). There were also other cultures on Earth, such as Atlantis, which were thriving as well. The holy people or the prophets of the time began to be realise that something was changing. They began receiving information that the Earth was going to go through a very dramatic shift. The shift that they were referring to was what you call the Great Flood. Also known as the destruction of Atlantis.

These holy people, whom had the ability to know things and understand wave frequency, received their signs to go underground which the unawakened were not aware of. This occurred approximately one year before the flood. While underground, they learned to live there and use the underground environment for their sustenance. They built very supportive and loving communities. Some of these under ground areas have been found recently by archaeologists. One of which under the left foot of the sphinx in Egypt. The wise and holy ones had completed in part the final work involved in preserving some of the knowledge.

These holy beings whom have the consciousness of Lemuria, even today, hold within themselves this sacred knowledge of creation. Some of it is conscious but most of it lies in the subconscious. There was a great cooperation among all of these peoples on Earth to make sure that the sacred teachings were never lost. The memory has been stored within these soul,s DNA and cellular memory laying dormant, awaiting for the divine time to emerge.
Such is the tale of Lemuria, a land and culture that is said to have existed in the vicinity of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is possible that if it existed, Lemuria was indeed the civilization that predated the legendary Rama and Atlantian civilizations and would have been the stuff of Atlantian legends as Atlantis is of ours. Though it has never been proven that there ever was a body of land in the Pacific region, there are several land masses in the Pacific that are said to be the remains of a once great continent.

These include Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Easter Island, the Philippines and Indonesia. Actual sunken ruins have also been found in several regions in the Pacific, notably, off the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and Oahu, off the islands of Japan and close to the Indonesian coastline, but do they have anything to do with Lemuria?
Studies into some of these ruins were actually carried out by a Untied Nations diplomat named Farida Iskoviet, who researched the Maui ruins in 1972 and subsequently concluded that they were most definitely genuine and also extremely ancient.
Somehow, an explorer name James Churchward placed the continent between Africa and South America in his theoretical map.

Churchward claimed that the Indian priest was instructed in the art of deciphering the texts of this lost civilization, that of the Naacal people.

Initially, the priest would have spoken of tablets, but without showing them. After skillful palaver, Colonel Churchward managed to wheedle him and the priest finally showed him these tablets, written -or rather- engraved by Naacals themselves. According to Colonel, the tablets, incomplete, were part of a much larger text. However, he said he had evidence and claimed that other information was hidden in ancient archives. He said Mu extended from north of Hawaii to Easter Island and Fiji.

He claimed that Mu was the Garden of Eden, inhabited by 64 million Naacals. Other lands were then colonies of the empire Naacal. This civilization had reached its peak in 50,000 BP with more technologically sophisticated as ours and colonies on the ruins of which are built the ancient civilizations of India, Babylone, Egypte, Perse, and Maya.”




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