Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Nine Unknown Men

Ancient Secrets Of The Nine Unknown Men: Guardians Of Forbidden Knowledge Hidden From Humanity

The story of the Nine Unknown Men goes back to the time of the Emperor Asoka, who reigned in India from 273 B.C. Emperor Asoka was a remarkable individual. In his book “Outline of World History,” H.G. Wells wrote:
“Among the tens of thousands of names of monarchs accumulated of the files of history, the name Asoka shines almost alone, like a star.”
Asoka who respected all religions and promoted peace according to God’s wishes. All living beings should enjoy security, peace, happiness and live in freedom. He preached vegetarianism, abolished alcohol and the slaughter of animals. Asoka was a wise man and realized that man’s intelligence, scientific and technological breakthroughs were often put to evil uses.
Therefore, during his reign natural science past and present was vowed to secrecy. This led to the creation of the Nine Unknown Men, world’s most powerful society founded by Emperor Asoka. There is little information about the Nine Unknown Men and very few have met any of these brilliant scientists.
The Nine Unknown Men avoided social contacts and their society was concealed from the public eye. They were never engaged in any religious or political disputes. Their aim was not to allow methods of destruction to fall into the hands of unqualified people and to pursue knowledge which would benefit mankind.
Although, the Nine Unknown Men made contact with the outside world on rare occasions, many researchers are convinced that the society did actually exist.

According to the French occult author Louis Jacolliot, Asoka’s scientists experimented with techniques that were supposed to be unknown 2,000 years ago! The society of the Nine studied the liberation of energy, sterilization by radiation and psychological warfare, all subjects that our modern civilization have “discovered” just recently.
The Nine Unknown Men achieved their goal and conducted their scientific researchers in secrecy for thousands of years.
It was first in 1927 that the world learned about their existence through a book written by Talbot Mundy, who for 25 years was a member of the British police force in India.
In his book, Mundy wrote that Asoka’s society employed a synthetic language. Mundy also revealed that each of the nine members possessed a book that was constantly rewritten, updated and contained detailed accounts of a certain scientific subject.
According to a very old legend, in times of drought temples and religious relief organizations received large quantities of gold from a secret source.
Each of The Nine Unknown Men is said to be entrusted with the task of improving and guarding a single book of knowledge. The subject matter of each book deals with a completely different branch of some potentially destructive knowledge.
Subject of each book that these Nine Men protect:
  1. Propaganda and Psychological warfare – As the name suggests, this book consists knowledge about influencing the behavior or the opinions of large group of people. Considered to be the most dangerous among all other sciences, this book consists of knowledge that can help one in moulding mass opinions. It goes without saying that the person in possession of this book could lead the whole world by shaping opinions according to his own wish.
  2. Physiology – We all know that Physiology is the study of biochemical and physical functions of the living organisms. It is said that this book about Physiology consists the knowledge of performing death due to a reversal of nerve impulse or the so called “touch of death”. It is said that Judo, the form of martial arts, has been formed due to a leak from this book.
  3. Microbiology – We all consider Ganges to be very pure. If you have been a keen student of Biology in school then you must know that it is because of a micro organism called Bacteriophages. Have you ever asked this question to yourself that why is this microbe not found in other rivers like Amazon or Nile? Why only Ganges? According to myths, this microbe was created and released into Ganges at the base of Himalayas by none other than The Nine Unknown Men using the secrets of this very book.
  4. Alchemy – Alchemy that also includes the transformation of metals in this case. If you would do a little research on the internet over an extended period of natural disasters for a long period of time, you would find some rumors of religious organizations and temples getting gold from unknown source. The mystery will become more interesting when you will notice that so much quantity of gold could not even be accounted for when you notice the number of gold mines in India.
  5. Communication – Communication technology like wireless communications and even ways to communicate with aliens is believed to be held secret under this book.
  6. Gravitation – Vimana or the flying machine. Was it really the Wright Brothers who invented a flying machine? Indian myths have been talking about Vimana for a very long time. Imagination finds its inspiration somewhere, so can you ever deny completely about the truth of Vimana? The Vaiminaka sastra is said to have necessary instructions for building a Vimana, and that could be directly related to this book of The Nine Unknown Men.
  7. Cosmology – This book is believed to provide the secret knowledge of travelling at very high speeds throughout the space time fabric that also includes time travel and even trips between different universes.
  8. Light – This book talks about using light as a potential weapon by directing and concentrating it in a particular direction. This also talks about the knowledge of increasing and decreasing the speed of light at will.
  9. Sociology – The subject matter of this book tells about the working of societies and prediction of their downfall. It includes all the rules that concern the evolution of societies and predicting the destination that they are headed towards.
There are many notable figures that according to allegations have had contact with The Nine Unknown Men. One figure that has been mentioned many places with an allegation of being in contact with The Nine Unknown Men is Pope Sylvester II (c. 946 – 12 May 1003). He was supposed to have built a robotic brazen head that could answer his questions with a Yes or No. This robot was much ahead of technology that time, and it would have been impossible for someone to build such a machine at that time without any knowledge that was kept secret. He was also said to be in possession of many other such things that solidify his connection, and most of them were destroyed after death. 

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