Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Ancient History of the Illuminati

The origins of the Illuminati stretch far back into pre-history, but as a formal organization, the Illuminati began as the mystery school of Pythagoras in the Greek colony of Croton in Southern Italy. The Illuminati prospered for a time before being savagely attacked by brutal enemies envious of their secret knowledge. Most were killed, including Pythagoras himself. The survivors escaped to Greece and set up a new school. For safety, the Illuminati kept on the move, relocating every ten years throughout the Greek city-states and their colonies, and then in the countries conquered by Alexander the Great, including Syria, Egypt, Babylonia, Persia and Northern India.

As the star of Rome rose, the Illuminati made their base in Rome, and then in provinces of the Roman Empire. Around 200 CE, the Illuminati established itself in the intellectual centre of the world: Alexandria in Egypt. It remained there until the brutal execution of Grand Master Hypatia in 415 CE at the hands of Christians. In Bertrand Russell's book on the history of Western Philosophy, he provides the following horrific description of what transpired:
"St. Cyril, the advocate of unity, was a man of fanatical zeal. He used his position as patriarch of Alexandria to incite pogroms against the very large Jewish colony in Alexandria. His chief claim to fame is the lynching of Hypatia, a distinguished lady who, in an age of bigotry, adhered to the Neoplatonic philosophy and devoted her talents to mathematics. She was torn from her chariot, stripped naked, dragged to the church, and inhumanly butchered by the hands of Peter the Reader and a troop of savage and merciless fanatics: her flesh was scraped from her bones with sharp oyster-shells and her quivering limbs were delivered to the flames. After this, Alexandria was no longer troubled by philosophers."
As in the time of Pythagoras, the Grand Master was not the only Illuminatus to perish:
The Christians slaughtered hundreds - many of the finest minds of the ancient world -and most of their precious writings were destroyed with them.
The survivors were in a quandary about where to go to rebuild. The Roman Empire was collapsing. Alaric in 410 CE had sacked Rome itself. Barbarians and Christian extremists were everywhere. The Illuminati decided to go to a remote, well-protected country on the fringe of the Empire that they had visited in ancient times and where they had been based prior to moving to Alexandria in the first place. That country was Britain. The Romans had only just departed (the final withdrawals taking place in about 407 CE) and the country was still relatively stable and civilized.
Although there were problems with barbarians, these were not as bad as in many other areas of the disintegrating Roman Empire. Moreover, many Britons had not yet succumbed to Christianity, or only at a superficial level, and there were still vestiges of ancient enlightenment religions of paganism, most especially Druidism.
The Illuminati stayed in Britain for the next few hundred years, and it is in this period that the historical events took place that furnished the basis for the future tales of Arthur, Merlin, Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table, and of the Waste Land and the Quest for the Holy Grail (which is, of course, pagan and not Christian).
The Knights of the Round Table embarking on a holy mission to find the Grail became the model for the future Knights Templar - a tightly knit group of holy knights dedicating their lives to sacred tasks. Merlin (a Druid) became the template for the future Alchemists.
Camelot became the symbol for a City of God on Earth, the perfect city-state to which humanity should aspire.

The Round Table became the symbol of Meritocracy over Privilege.
Arthur became the symbol of leaders dedicated to higher ends rather than greed and self-interest. The Waste Land became the symbol of both the Satanic Abrahamic world and the barbarian hordes flooding across Europe.
The Gnostic religion of Arthur and his realm became the template for the future Gnostic religion of Catharism - the religion of the "pure ones". The priests of the Cathars were called the Perfectii - the "perfect ones" (those who had dedicated themselves to achieving enlightenment and becoming perfect - becoming God).
Female Perfects were called Perfectae. (Women, unlike in Christianity, were eligible for all of the same religious positions as men.)
Now you have seen the trail that leads from Pythagoras to Rome to Alexandria to Arthurian Britain, and then to Alchemy, the Cathars and the Knights Templar.


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