Monday, March 7, 2016

Interview with William Rutledge, an "Apollo 20" Astronaut (1976)

MONA LISA (An Alien Space Ship on the Moon)


Debunking or A Trojan Horse for The Truth?


William Rutledge is retired and now lives in Africa. He recently came out to reveal some amazing facts about his involvement with NASA in the late 70s. Rutledge claims to have worked on at least two missions to the Moon, including the failed Apollo 19, and the Apollo 20, which he says was launched in August of 1976 from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Both of these missions, according to Rutledge, were "classified joint Space missions" resulting from collaborations between U.S. and Soviet governments. They do not appear on any roster of NASA missions -- and, if this is true -- for good reasons.

The purpose of these missions was to investigate a large object on the far side of the moon in the Delporte-Izsak region, allegedly discovered and photographed during the Apollo 15 mission. The object, which vaguely resembled an "X-Wing" fighter as seen in the Star Wars films, was supposed to have been a very large alien spacecraft which had crashed or was otherwise abandoned on the Moon in ancient times.

How big is the ship? Thanks to website we have a graphic to dmeonstrate. When we say "huge" we really need another word because it doesn't come close to describe this space ship.

Images, and even videos of this alleged craft have appeared on the web, and have been popularized by researchers like Richard C. Hoagland over the last several years.

Note: Extract the Full Interview in a document format hidden inside the Monaliza.jpeg. It's pretty long interview so I need to put it like this.

Mona Liza Film Strip | Maps:


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