Unexplained Mysteries, Lost Civilizations, Ancient Ruins, Sacred Writings, Strange Artifacts, Science Mysteries, Conspiracies and More.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
The Ancient History of the Illuminati
The Legend of Lemuria
Approximately 14,000 years ago, the culture known as Lemuria
was thriving. (Prior to 2000 years ago, data and time recordings were
not taken – so all times are approximate). There were also other
cultures on Earth, such as Atlantis,
which were thriving as well. The holy people or the prophets of the
time began to be realise that something was changing. They began
receiving information that the Earth was going to go through a very
dramatic shift. The shift that they were referring to was what you call
the Great Flood. Also known as the destruction of Atlantis.
These holy beings whom have the consciousness of Lemuria, even today, hold within themselves this sacred knowledge of creation. Some of it is conscious but most of it lies in the subconscious. There was a great cooperation among all of these peoples on Earth to make sure that the sacred teachings were never lost. The memory has been stored within these soul,s DNA and cellular memory laying dormant, awaiting for the divine time to emerge.
Churchward claimed that the Indian priest was instructed in the art of deciphering the texts of this lost civilization, that of the Naacal people.
Initially, the priest would have spoken of tablets, but without showing them. After skillful palaver, Colonel Churchward managed to wheedle him and the priest finally showed him these tablets, written -or rather- engraved by Naacals themselves. According to Colonel, the tablets, incomplete, were part of a much larger text. However, he said he had evidence and claimed that other information was hidden in ancient archives. He said Mu extended from north of Hawaii to Easter Island and Fiji.
He claimed that Mu was the Garden of Eden, inhabited by 64 million Naacals. Other lands were then colonies of the empire Naacal. This civilization had reached its peak in 50,000 BP with more technologically sophisticated as ours and colonies on the ruins of which are built the ancient civilizations of India, Babylone, Egypte, Perse, and Maya.”
Monday, March 8, 2021
Rods from God: Kinetic Weapon Hit with Nuclear Weapon Force
The reason this idea is so attractive is that the rods would have enough kinetic power to destroy even the deepest known facilities -- many hundreds of feet beneath the Earth's surface. The other benefit is that the metal rods would constitute a simple, conventional payload, so we wouldn't be "nuking" anybody with them. Also, such bundles of metal are not specifically disallowed by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which explicitly prohibits only deploying nuclear weapons in space. The rods, however, would violate the spirit of the more general Outer Space Treaty.
Ethical and legal issues aside, the difficulties with waging this kind of war in space are profound, and should keep us from pursuing such a path. The fundamental issue is that it is easier and cheaper to destroy things in space than it is to put them there and make use of them.
The cost of manufacturing each communications or monitoring satellite and putting it into orbit is at least $1 billion, while the cost of a ballistic missile capable of destroying it is about $10 million. And the debris fields created by blown-up satellites would continue to orbit the Earth, making huge swathes of space unusable for decades.
Friday, March 5, 2021
Legends Surround the Birth of Pythagoras
It was said that he was not a human child, but an avatar of a god - a deity taking human form to walk amongst men to help and advise them and be their benefactor. Pythagoras was, according to most people who met him, an individual in whom the influence of divine inspiration was unmistakable and overwhelming. He was often called the Son of God, just like Jesus Christ centuries later. It was even suggested that Apollo was his real father, and he was immaculately conceived, in the manner later attributed to Jesus Christ. In fact a great deal of the stories concerning Jesus Christ seem like direct copies of those told of Pythagoras.
It was said that Pythagoras met his death by crucifixion by his enemies, in an open field. His enemies, well aware of his reputation, watched his body for three days and nights to see if any trace of his soul would become visible as it departed his body, or if the gods would come to retrieve him, or if a creature would come into which he would transfer his soul. Last but not least, there was speculation that he might come back from the dead, such was his reputation for miracles.
There was one other notion of what might be his fate; either the fabled Phoenix, to which Pythagoras often expressed his devotion, would swoop down and he would pass his soul into it, or he himself would transform into the Phoenix and fly away. In fact, at the hand of the three days, Pythagoras's body was said to have been struck by lightning, utterly consuming his body, leaving not a trace.
Swastika: Symbols and Origins
The word ‘swastika’ is a Sanskrit word (‘svasktika’) meaning ‘It is’, ‘Well Being’, ‘Good Existence, and ‘Good Luck’. However, it is also known by different names in different countries - like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and ‘Tetraskelion’ or ‘Tetragammadion’ in Greece.
Sanskrit scholar P. R. Sarkar in 1979 said that the deeper meaning of the word is ‘Permanent Victory’. He also said that as any symbol it can have positive and negative meaning depending on how it is drawn. So in Hinduism, the right-hand swastika is a symbol of the God Vishnu and the Sun, while the left-hand swastika is a symbol of Kali and Magic. The double meaning of symbols is common in ancient traditions, like for example the symbol of the pentagram (five pointed star), which is viewed as negative when pointing downwards, and positive when pointing upwards.
Mezine Swastika, The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years.
In Buddhism, the swastika is a symbol of good fortune, prosperity, abundance and eternity. It is directly related to Buddha and can be found carved on statues on the soles of his feet and on his heart. It is said that it contains Buddha’s mind.
On the walls of the Christian catacombs in Rome, the symbol of the Swastika appears next to the words “ZOTIKO ZOTIKO” which means “Life of Life”. It can also be found on the window openings of the mysterious Lalibela Rock churches of Ethiopia, and in various other churches around the world.
IN Nordic Myths, Odin is represented passing through space as a whirling disk or swastika looking down through all worlds. In North America, the swastika was used by the Navajos. In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras used the Swastika under the name ‘Tetraktys’ and it was a symbol linking heaven and earth, with the right arm pointing to heaven and its left arm pointing to Earth.
It has been used by the Phoenicians as a symbol of the Sun and it was a sacred symbol used by the priestesses.
It is ironic, and unfortunate, that a symbol of life and eternity that was considered sacred for thousands of years has become a symbol of hatred."
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Ordo Draconis: Order of Dragons
Friday, February 26, 2021
Quantum Computer: The Infinity Machine
Sophia: Artificial Intelligence Robot
Sophia personifies this bold and responsible goal.
Project Bluebeam is based on four directives:
- Conditioning the populous to fear through use of man-made disasters, e.g. East Asian and Japanese tsunamis, contagion, HAARP-induced hurricanes
- The use of holographic projections of god-like images projected from satellites, speaking about the second coming.
- Use of mind-control ELF, VLF and LF electronic waves to induce a trance-like telepathy, in order to induce people to believe in a supernatural force behind the holograms
- Use of alien ships (actually black-budget anti-gravity craft) to emulate flying saucer invasions
Once these four steps are completed, the global acquisition of worldwide media and internet will relinquish all conscious control over to the Illuminati; legislation, banking, security.
The "system" has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "CHRIST IMAGE" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of alien craft, aliens, monsters, angels - you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell.
The Secret Society of Hashshashin (The Stoned Terrorists)
During the late 11th century, an order of Nizari Ismailies was formed in Persia and Syria by a man called Hassan-i Sabbah. These were the ...

MONA LISA (An Alien Space Ship on the Moon) ----------------------------------------------------------- Debunking or A Trojan Horse ...
The Dragon fraternity was resurrected to become the successor to the ancient Dragon Court of Egypt and, in particular, Heliopolis, where the...