Monday, March 7, 2016

An Open Letter Offer to a Time Traveler

Hello Fellow Time Traveler,

I am writing this in the hopes there is such a man/woman out there who has the means to travel in time. Of course I do not wish at all to travel through time. But would like for you to travel back and warn me of a decision that will haunt me for the rest of my life. In turn, I will forever be grateful and offer you three choices I will do for you:

1) I will create safe havens.

That is be able to own apartments or give you shelter when in my time or after, the tired time traveler to rest in, I will manage and have available these apartments for you to use. No questions asked. I will make sure my children, grandchildren and other descendants will manage these safe havens with no questions asked. I in turn will not question, will not see you but always be cleaning up and tidying up for the next time you appear in. I will do this for the rest of my life and after and will have my descendants also manage these safe havens.

2) Offer myself as a bodyguard/servant.

This choice I would prefer to let me live along my timeline for 7 years after the date I made my choice. Later then, I have no choice to follow you unquestionably as a servant/bodyguard. I will stay and follow you until I die or release me.

3) Death. I will donate my body/body parts for you to use.

This choice I would prefer to let me live along my timeline for 7 years after the date I made my change of choice. Later then, I have no choice to donate my body/body parts to you.

Hence in Choice #1, I will be a humble servant for you for the rest of my life as well as my children and after. Because of such change in time in able to change my decision; I will always be behind the scenes so as not to make a change/interference in the distant future. Knowing full well that there will be ramifications but knowing if you had not helped me in changing my decision, I would be miserable later on in time

I am living in NY (New York) in Lower Westchester and would like to meet you if you agree to do this. I will explain my case of my decision on what I did and where and when you have to show up to make this change happen or talk and hint to do it right. If possible, I will travel with you and talk to my younger self in changing his decisions. I know my younger self will understand and be grateful and able to follow up to the letter the agreement we are doing. My younger self will know to have no choice because he will forever be in your debt to you if you make this happen. I (my younger self) will make the right decision and follow up to the letter this agreement be it choice #1-3. If only #1, I’ll make sure to have my children and other descendants follow this up because they will not be there thanks to you time traveler. My family will forever manage these havens for you to rest in without the hassles to be discovered.

Please respond to this letter as soon as you can. I will make sure this letter stays on for hopefully as long I can keep it: 10 to 100 years hopefully. Since time is irrelevant for you. You may find this letter years, decades or centuries from now and respond to me at this current time. You can respond by sending me an email to the account below:

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