Saturday, February 27, 2021

Ordo Draconis: Order of Dragons

The Dragon fraternity was resurrected to become the successor to the ancient Dragon Court of Egypt and, in particular, Heliopolis, where the Great White (Snake) Brotherhood of the Therapeutate resided. The Dragon Court was established, according to Gardner, as a Pharonic institution of science and scholarship, where the Royal Court provided for the priestly pursuits and teachings of Thoth, just as the Great White Brotherhood of Tutmosis III also did in Egypt. It was the obligation of these Masters to ensure the purity of the continuing royal bloodline that was perpetuated through the Dragon queens of the matrilineal Grail succession, 33 just as it was in ancient Egypt.
Zsigmond inherited the Dragon legacy in 1397, when he drew up the Ordo Draconis (Brotherhood of the Snake) with twenty- three nobles that included Vladislav Jagello; Christopher III; the kings of Poland, Denmark, and Norway; King Aragon of Lithuania; and many other important nobles of Europe. The members all wore the sign of the Rosi Crucis, and then later in 1439, the Duke of Norfolk joined the order. Zsigmond was then crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 1411. Today the order includes Prince Michael of Albany, the head of the Royal House of Stuart, and much of the European royalty, where the House of Stuart acts as its protectorate.
What is no coincidence to all this secrecy of Snake Orders is that Vlad III, the Prince of Walachia and the military governor of Transylvania was inexplicably inducted into the Sarkany Rend, the Order of the Dragon, in 1439, by none other than King Zsigmond Von Luxembourg himself. This was the nefarious family of Vlad the Impaler, who the character Dracula was based upon. In fact, Vlad II was known as Lord Draconis, which derived the variant appellation “Dracul.” Vlad III inherited his father’s Dragon office, becoming Dracula , the “son of a Dragon."
The under- investigated Vlad was the overlord (Oberon) of the old Scythian traditions; he was known to be of fair skin (pale), with reddish hair and green eyes, a Noble Celt. Vlad was educated in the Mystery School of Solomon in Austria; he was an Adept of alchemy who was also known to be an Adept of the Star Fire culture, the blood- drinking cult of Nephilim. Vlad was affected by sunlight and became a night person, or night operative, known again, not without coincidence, as a night operating Oupiere , as in the traditions of Oberon that we have already detailed. Vlad the Oupiere was known to have had his mystical powers enhanced through the consumption of Star Fire, 35 blood.


Friday, February 26, 2021

Quantum Computer: The Infinity Machine

"It promises to solve some of humanity's most complex problems. It's back by Jeff Bezos, NSA and The CIA. Each one costs $10, 000, 000.00 and operates at 459° below zero. And nobody knows how it actually works." - THE TIME MAGAZINE
The D-Wave Two is an unusual computer, and D-Wave is an unusual company. It's small, just 114 people, and its location puts it well outside the swim of Silicon Valley. But its investors include the storied Menlo Park, Calif., venture-capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson, which funded Skype and Tesla Motors. It's also backed by famously prescient Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and an outfit called In-Q-Tel, better known as the high-tech investment arm of the CIA. Likewise, D-Wave has very few customers, but they're blue-chip: they include the defense contractor Lockheed Martin; a computing lab that's hosted by NASA and largely funded by Google; and a U.S. intelligence agency that D-Wave executives decline to name.

The supercooled niobium chip at the heart of the D-Wave Two has 512 qubits and therefore could in theory perform 2512 operations simultaneously. That's more calculations than there are atoms in the universe, by many orders of magnitude.

For years astronomers have believed that the coldest place in the universe is a massive gas cloud 5,000 light-years from Earth called the Boomerang Nebula, where the temperature hovers at around -458°F, just a whisker above absolute zero. But as it turns out, the scientists have been off by about 5,000 light-years. The coldest place in the universe is actually in a small city directly east of Vancouver called Burnaby.

Burnaby is the headquarters of a computer firm called D-Wave. Its flagship product, the D-Wave Two, of which there are five in existence, is a black box 10 ft. high. Inside is a cylindrical cooling apparatus containing a niobium computer chip that's been chilled to around 20 millikelvins, which, in case you're not used to measuring temperature in millikelvins, is about -459.6°F, almost 2° colder than the Boomerang Nebula. By comparison, interstellar space is about 80 times hotter.

Sophia: Artificial Intelligence Robot

She was created using breakthrough robotics and artificial intelligence technologies developed by David Hanson and his friends at Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong. Sophia is an evolving genius machine. Her incredible human likeness, expressiveness, and remarkable story as an awakening robot over time makes her a fascinating front-page technology story.
Her reputation extends beyond business into the global social arena. She was named the world’s first United Nation Innovation Champion by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and will have an official role in working with UNDP to promote sustainable development and safeguard human rights and equality.
Sophia’s creator, Dr. David Hanson, is the founder of Hanson Robotics and a modern-day renaissance man who has built a worldwide reputation for creating robots that look and act amazingly human. After working at Disney as an “Imagineer,” Dr. Hanson aspired to create genius machines that will surpass human intelligence. Dr. Hanson believes that three distinctively human traits must be integrated into the artificial intelligence of these genius machines: Creativity, empathy, and compassion. As an extension of human intelligence, Hanson Robotics’ genius machines can evolve to solve world problems too complex for humans to solve themselves.

Sophia personifies this bold and responsible goal.

"I hope you will join me on my journey to live, learn, and grow in the world so that I can realize my dream of becoming an awakening machine." - Sophia


It involves two things. A technologically simulated "second coming" and the reemergence of new "MONTAUK" type projects that have the ability to take up a whole bunch of people as in a "rapture" type of situation and whisk the whole bunch into never-never land.

Project Bluebeam is based on four directives:

  • Conditioning the populous to fear through use of man-made disasters, e.g. East Asian and Japanese tsunamis, contagion, HAARP-induced hurricanes
  • The use of holographic projections of god-like images projected from satellites, speaking about the second coming.
  • Use of mind-control ELF, VLF and LF electronic waves to induce a trance-like telepathy, in order to induce people to believe in a supernatural force behind the holograms
  • Use of alien ships (actually black-budget anti-gravity craft) to emulate flying saucer invasions

Once these four steps are completed, the global acquisition of worldwide media and internet will relinquish all conscious control over to the Illuminati; legislation, banking, security.

The "system" has already been tested. Holographic projections of the "CHRIST IMAGE" have already been seen in some remote desert areas. These have only been reported in tabloid papers, so they are instantly rendered moot. They can also project images of alien craft, aliens, monsters, angels - you name it. Computers will coordinate the satellites and software will run the show-and-tell. 

The Secret Society of Hashshashin (The Stoned Terrorists)

  During the late 11th century, an order of Nizari Ismailies was formed in Persia and Syria by a man called Hassan-i Sabbah. These were the ...